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Can You Eat Peeps With Braces

6 min read

Crunchy and hard foods also have the possibility of damaging the brackets and wires that braces are composed of. Examples of foods to avoid include popcorn, ice, hard pretzels, apples, carrots and nuts. And bite them gently with the teeth in the backside. If candies are large, break them into pieces and then eat. Large bars pressure the brackets and wires and might bend or break them.

Certain foods, however, need to be avoided throughout the length of your braces treatment. Your dentist or orthodontist will discuss what foods to avoid. Damaging your braces could prolong your treatment, meaning you’ll have to wear them for a longer period of time. The good news – there are plenty of tasty foods you can eat while wearing braces, and no, you’re not limited to only soft or pureed foods. Are there foods you need to avoid completely with braces?

Food You Can Eat While You Have Braces

However, if you cut a regular apple into thin slices and are eat carefully, apples might be a treat you can safely enjoy with braces. You should never bite into an apple with braces … especially if it’s covered in sticky, gooey caramel and hard nuts. The types of candy you want to stay away from are sweets that are hard, sticky, gooey and chewy. No need to miss out on the trick-or-treating fun but enjoy candy in moderation and snack wisely! To clean your braces after eating, take off the removable parts such as the elastics.

But eating right while you have braces will make a big difference in avoiding emergencies or setbacks. Since navigating through the “Dos” and “Dont’s” can be confusing, we’d like to share a few rules of thumb. Avoid large chunks of meat or directly biting fruits like apples.

Can you eat ice cream with braces?

But from a nutritional perspective, diet modification can make your dental journey more effective long term. The better your diet, the better your body takes care of itself, including your teeth. For many people, candy and health are two words that do not belong in the same sentence. But contrary to that belief, some candies are better for your health than others.

Tick to easily chewable food, like pudding, yogurt, or smoothies, that won’t damage your braces or get stuck between them. Keep in mind that your braces can be damaged from one wrong bite. This can compromise your entire orthodontic treatment, so make sure that you are careful and smart about what you eat.

Can I Eat Corn on the Cob with Braces?

If you want to quench your sugar craze, cotton candy can be the safest way. There’s no possibility of any harm if you enjoy cotton candy with braces. Some candies contain nuts which add terrible crunchy flavor. But it would be best if you avoided these cracking candies to safeguard your braces.

Sticky candy or a tough steak might knock off brackets or wires. Hard chips to avoid include Doritos, Fritos, Takis, tortilla chips, crunchy Cheetos, and other similarly crunchy chips. Brushing can remove plaque, but that becomes harder to do with braces. And if you’re unable to remove this sticky film, there’s a risk of tooth decay. These include sticky and hard foods that can damage the wires or bands, or cause a bracket to separate from a tooth. Since you’ll also have to learn how to chew differently, your orthodontist will likely recommend only eating soft foods for the first few days.

What You Can and Cannot Eat and Drink When You Have Braces

Rinsing with mouthwash will help get rid of food and plaque, too. You should make sure your oral hygiene is on point when you’re working with an orthodontist. If you’re craving a sugary drink, try to find one that’s sugar-free and doesn’t contain acid. Candies are high in sugar that feeds on the bacteria to destroy the protective layer of the tooth. Sugars act like magnets for these bacteria and increase the acidic assault on your teeth. Eating candies now and then means more and more acid attacks on your teeth that result in cavities, gingivitis, and more.

Because, unlike most chewy candy products, marshmallows are not sticky as well. Like cotton candy, they melt quickly in your mouth. So, you can have a few pieces of marshmallows without worry. Moreover, some chocolate bars are harder than others, especially if you keep them in the fridge for a long time.

Eating with Braces

Do you have any questions about which foods work with braces and which don’t? It’s easy to ask us in a question below or on our Facebook page. Sugary and acidic things are always bad for your teeth because they can cause wear and decay. The biggest sugar/acid combination is found in sodas and energy drinks. But keep an eye on the labels of other things you eat like granola bars and cereals. Sugar is hidden in even the most harmless-looking things.

So, after you have your sweets, gently brush your teeth a few minutes after. After you first get your braces on and with each orthodontia visit, your mouth will probably be sore. You can still eat the foods you enjoy, but make sure that they are small bites and soft to avoid pain or damage to your braces. It can break brackets, pull wires out of place, and get stuck between your teeth, leading to tooth decay.

Many Fresh Fruits

Hence the question comes, “can you eat meat with braces? ” The answer might be amusing or disappointing since we’ll elucidate the facts if you can eat meat with braces. As it turns out, the list of things you truly cannot eat and drink with braces is actually quite short. As long as you bite and chew carefully, you’ll find that you can still enjoy most of your favorite foods and snacks. Thankfully there are plenty of chocolate treats you can enjoy.

As you adjust to wearing your braces, you’ll develop an understanding of what braces-safe foods you enjoy. Use your best judgment, and if you have any questions about whether a certain food is safe, ask your orthodontist for more information. Once the soreness goes away , you can expand your diet, just remembering to avoid certain hard and sticky foods as discussed below. During this time, as your mouth adjusts to the new braces, it’s best to stick to a soft diet to avoid causing more discomfort. At Laster Orthodontics, we help families develop healthy, life-changing smiles using customized treatments, cutting-edge technologies, and caring relationships. With three locations throughout the Triangle Area, we create life-changing smiles every day.

Can You Eat Peanut Brittle With Braces?

Always chew carefully to prevent both discomfort and damage to the appliances. Peeps is a line of marshmallows that are made in different shapes such as chicks, ducks, and other animals. Marshmallows can be chewy but they do not stick to your teeth as easily.

Soft Veggies

In addition to avoiding certain types of foods, maintaining adequate hygiene is critical to preventing stains and cavities from forming around the braces. If food debris is not completely removed from the teeth and braces, tartar and plaque may build up, causing white spots on the teeth’ surfaces. Brackets and wires might be damaged by certain foods. That’s why there are some braces food restrictions. It’s crucial to stay away from really hard or sticky foods. You are not required to eat only soft foods for the next two years.
