The more you weigh, the harder your muscles have to work to hoist your entire body above the bar. Simply, if you’re lighter, you’d have a much easier time doing one or more pull-ups. I am a lot heavier than I look, but I don’t let that keep me from trying to do as many pull-ups as I can, wherever and with whatever I can find. “The pull-up is all about the lats, while in the chin-up it’s equal parts lat and bicep strength,” Luciani says. You can build greater grip strength by doing active hangs. Basically, these are hangs which involve movements like swinging or shoulder shrugs.

I see every tall object as an opportunity to do pull-ups. Tight hamstrings can be from a tough workout or sitting at a desk all day. Here’s the deal with tight hamstrings and how to find relief. Now, imagine pulling your elbows down to your hips. And beyond strength, completing a pull-up requires technique.
Over time, you may observe certain varieties improving more than others. In general, however, your pull-up performance will improve quickly across the board when you complete this exercise every day. Don’t be surprised if your back and shoulders feel sore the day after you perform lots of pull-ups. Muscles in these areas assist the lats but may feel even more burn, simply because they’re so often forgotten.
Table of Contents
#1: The Most Important Rep Of Your Pull Up Workout
To quickly increase the number of horizontal pull ups you can do per set – set a target of the number of pull ups you will do per day. For instance, you can set a target of 30 horizontal pull ups per day. And make sure you hit your target no matter how many sets it takes. And if you only have access to a low bar – perform the exercise with the knees bent to make it easier. You don’t need any of the above options if you have gymnastic rings. With rings, you can easily adjust the height to match your level of fitness.
Once you can do 3 sets of 8 reps , it’s time to pick up a heavier dumbbell. You may or may not have some Forearm Forklifts hanging around, but if you do, you’ll have the perfect equipment for a pull-up alternative. If you can do more than 10 pull ups, you should train with 3-5 sets, high reps and very little rest (60-90 seconds). Less, you should train with lots of sets(5-7), few reps (2-5) and big breaks (3-5 minutes). When you train with this workout, you shouldn’t train with any pulling exercises during the same or the next day to recover completely. During the third part, you are going to perform one set of an easier pulling exercise.
Doing pull ups any more often than this can cause strain. Always take a rest day in between days you do pull ups. If you’re new to pull ups, you may be inclined to jump to help propel your body upward.
I love a simple side ponytail, which looks unique and different than a standard pony. It is also fun to wear out if you’re going somewhere special but don’t want to wear your hair just down. What happens when you’re unable to hit up the gym for your usual exercise routine? With some excercises, you’ll be forced to perform a less effective version — or you may be tempted to skip them entirely. This is not a problem with pull-ups, which can be performed with minimal gym equipment.
Kipping Pull
Next, slowly lower your body down in a controlled motion to help build your arm muscles. Once these become comfortable, gradually add in regular pull ups to your routine, being careful not to go to fast so you don’t strain yourself. One of the best ways to develop grip strength that translates naturally to your pull-up is a basic bar hang. And yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like — simply hang, with arms extended, from your pull-up bar. Two, just performing a single pull-up is extremely difficult without upper-body strength — making them a real pride-killer to practice at the gym.
The only movement should be from your arms pulling you toward the bar. When you reach the top of the movement, you should already be squeezing your shoulder blades together. For each of these exercises, you know you’re progressing when you can easily do between 8-10 reps for 3 sets with good form . Dylan Irving CSCS adds, “But this is also combined with a history of societal norms that encourage women to avoid upper-body exercise and strength training.” Fair point. Chin-ups emphasize the arm muscles more while Pull-ups emphasize the back muscles.
Push-ups, pathway pull-ups, and dips are good ways to strengthen your body enough to be able to do a pull-up. However, weight training and cardio are also important. Pull ups can be an excellent way to build upper body strength and work your core. If you want to learn pull ups, start with basic beginner’s moves.
Hold yourself with your hands as you step off the box and extend both legs so your body is vertical. Hop on a bar and see how many strict pull-ups you can do (no kipping, jumping, or flailing!), right here and now. Record that number, as well as the goal you want to achieve within a reasonable timeframe, such as three to four weeks.
The workouts will feel challenging but you won’t go to complete failure. You will always have a little energy left in the tank. With time, you will increase the total volume of pull ups done per workout.
Below, we go over a handful of variations and alternatives that will help you work up to your first pull-up. If the deadlift is the ultimate test of pure strength, then the pull-up is the best move around to test your functional strength. The reason being that to do a pull-up, you need to be strong, stable, and relatively lean (since you’re pulling your own body weight). Also, if you’re ever dangling from the edge of a cliff , deadlifts aren’t going to do you much good.
More likely than not, you’ve created a mental block in your mind which has disabled you from going from hanging to pulling. In this pull-up guide, we’ll provide tips on how to do more pull-ups, going from zero to one, from ten to 30, and beyond. Just because you can’t do a pull-up right now, doesn’t mean that you’ll never be able to do one.
This is especially important if you have any underlying health conditions. You should keep doing this exercise each day until you can lower your body slowly. You should be able to control the speed of your body as you lower it.