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How To Do A Proper Pull Up For Beginners

5 min read

Remember, pull ups work out your entire back, including the lats, lower back, traps and middle back. So, it is important to make sure you are maintaining the right form to get the most out of this exercise. If you find this exercise hard at the beginning, you can put something under your feet, so you start from an elevated position. But, try to get rid of it as soon as possible. Hence, you should pay attention to develop your grips and forearms. You will find them in the following list.

Doing different pulling variations will strengthen the muscles used in pull ups faster than training those muscles separately. Focus on increasing your pulling strength if you want to perform your first pull up soon. But Brian, how will I do that if I can’t do a pull-up? I glad you asked – just start with simple pull movements and keep advancing. So you can crank out a few push ups but can’t do a single pull up. Well, pull ups are quite challenging compared to most bodyweight exercises.


Always warm up – it reduces injury and improves coordination. Work on keeping your shoulders and upper back flexible and developing control. However, this program will make you better. If you can stick with it, you’ll have a decent shot at bashing out 10 reps in just 5 weeks.

Alongside that, build strength by using the lat-bar cable machine or a pull-up machine. This move will also let you easily challenge different parts of your arms, by merely changing your grip. Learning to do a pull-up with proper form is far from easy, but once you succeed, it’s packed with benefits. Inverted rows are much better options for developing the muscles and joints necessary for a pull-up. While the assisted chin promotes dropping down rapidly to get the band to help you, these simplified rowing exercises improve your control.

Assisted Pullup With Resistance Band

You’ll need a pulldown machine to do this. It’s another effective way to strengthen your upper body and make you better at pull-ups.Stand in front of a pulldown machine and grip the bar. Once your arms are almost extended, start pulling up again. Don’t let your number of repetitions bring you down; you can only get better. Training the pull-up’s eccentric phase is a great way to increase muscle growth and strength for beginners who struggle to master the pull-up. To do this, have the lifter start at the top of the movement , and then have them lower under control for five to 10 seconds.

Start with both of your feet planted on the floor around shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees to a quarter squat position, and bend forwards at the waist, keeping your back straight. Take hold of the barbell with an overhand grip and let the weight hang from your arms, with your elbows locked straight.

How To Do More Pull

Getting stronger and fitter is proven to help boost your mood and mental health. At first, you may only be able to do a few pull ups each day. If you go too fast, you can strain yourself. Strive to only add one to two pull ups to your sets each day. Never forget that practice makes perfect. Don’t expect amazing results when you’re just starting out, just be patient, and take your time to improve.

In order to keep your bodyweight centered, you can cross your feet beneath you as you lift yourself up. If you’re feeling stiff, try using mobility balls. You can make your own with two lacrosse balls and some duct tape.

The muscles in your back, arms, and even abs all grow stronger from doing pull-ups. Pull-ups are one of my favorite exercises. Today, I’ll share the exact program we use to help our Online Coaching clients lift themselves up. Grip the pullup bar with your palms facing your preferred direction. If you keep pushing too hard and your body hasn’t had time to recover, this is also how you can get injured. That’s why rest and recovery days are important.

Tense your arms and back to support your entire body weight in this position, with your legs unsupported. The amount of time you are able to hang will improve as your stamina improves. Stay away from the Assisted Pullup Machine. If you can do at least one Pullup, grease the groove.

Some coaches even recommend stretching between chin-up sets. The grip should be slightly wider than the shoulders and the legs should remain stationary. The abdominals must be kept fixed to avoid rocking. The back should be slightly bent back, the arms taut, the chest forward and the gaze straight ahead. For a beginner to learn how to do barbell chin-ups; The first thing to do is learn to feel your back muscles. Doing pull-ups is essential to improve the strength and volume of your upper body.

I’ll warm up with two sets of 5 pull-ups with no extra weight, and then do 3 sets of 5 weighted pull-ups. If I can complete all 3 sets of 5 reps , I’ll make a note to add 2.5 or 5lbs to my weight belt for the next time. Once you’re comfortable doing a form of assisted pull-ups, and can do about 10 repetitions, it’s time to advance to the next level. Help yourself up, but lower yourself slowly.

Another good way to train your core is to do plank holds. SGPT recommends doing these in the top position of a push-up, as this engages your core more and also engages all the muscles in your arms. The program below is a month-long, three-day-per-week plan to help beginners achieve their first pull-up. While this program is geared towards beginners, it can also be used to help non-beginners breakthrough pull-up plateaus and as an accompaniment to your back training. You may also wish to mix progressions in a set.

Moreover, many muscle groups have to work together the right way to perform the move correctly. Plus, you have to learn the correct technique to get the best results. Keep the core tight then pull yourself up until the chest touches the bar, then slowly lower yourself until the arms are straight to complete the rep. Some of the advice on the web will tell you to first strengthen all the muscles used when doing pull ups.
