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How To Get Strong Fingers For Climbing

6 min read

Simply put, in order to get stronger, you must continually make your muscles work harder than they’re used to. When I do get truly pumped its because the moves below where I fell took too much out of me, and took away from my overall strength. And this is exactly why when we train finger strength, we want to make it as specific to climbing as we can.

Something bad just happened but you don’t know what. You start to feel the pain with certain angles of pressure on your finger. Lift your fingers one by one, holding each for 5 seconds. Focus on keeping the rest of your hand perfectly flat.

Core Strengthening

For a basic hangboard workout, do 10 sets of five hangs on a variety of holds. To start, use a large edge, small edge/crimp, 2-finger pocket, 3-finger pocket, and sloper. Each hold will be used twice in a row, and every hold except the small edge will be done with an open-hand grip.

People with a stronger grip have stronger muscles overall. In fact, Pavel Tsatsouline, founder of StrongFirst, affirms that the two most basic things one can do to increase overall strength is strengthening the core and strengthening the grip . The imbalance can be fixed with resistance bands like PowerFingers. Maximum strength is the strength that is achieved when all muscle fibres are engaged. According to Brendan Blanchard of, maximum strength is to be able to hang on to a hold, by the fingers, for 5 to 10 seconds . If you are one of those climbers who climb almost exclusively, you should go bouldering more often.

Supercharged Collagen is further enhanced with the anabolic-signaling amino acid l-leucine and, additionally, further fortified with l-tryptophan. This makes Supercharged Collagen the only collagen powder on the market that is both a complete protein source and vitamin-C enriched. If you don’t feel at least 90 percent recovered after your rest day, or you have unusual aches and pains after your sessions, then it’s time to back off.

Does Bouldering Make You Strong?

The most important thing is that you feel completely rested before each set. Resting longer won’t compromise your workout; it will help you focus on targeting strength and not endurance. After two to four workouts, you should find the last rep of each set to be a little easier, and you might not be failing on any of your last reps. This means it’s time to up the difficulty. The best way to do this is by increasing the weight you’re holding. It’s easy to track, and doesn’t require any additional testing for new holds.

However, cell damage that occurs as a micro-trauma during hard training may take up to a week or more to be repaired. In order for the body to become stronger and not stagnant, you must regularly set a training stimulus that exceeds your current capabilities. Otherwise, the muscles have no reason to get stronger. This workout will increase the explosive strength in your legs. I could try to explain squat jumps, but I think this video really does a better job. You will want to do sets of 10 jumps of whatever variation you like.

This will strengthen your forearms immensely without putting stress on the rest of your body. Before I embellish further on the importance of getting stronger, I must point out that Alex possesses world-class technique and a very strong mind. That said, the master key is that Alex is really strong! We have yet to see what Alex’s true climbing limit is , but I can tell you that climbing 5.14b routes is nowhere near his limit. So for Alex to climb at this level on successive days is similar to 5.12 climber doing 5.11 routes on successive days or a 5.14 climber sending multiple 5.13a routes. Thus, when resistance climbing through a long sequence of relatively difficult, yet submaximal holds, the greater the perfusion the longer you will endure.

Siegrist spoke with Climbing to discuss possible injuries to beware of while training finger strength, as well as how to prevent and heal from these injuries. “The quest for stronger fingers must be viewed as a gradual, long-term endeavor at which you can improve year-over-year for a decade or more, given a properly nuanced training program. A haphazard, shotgun approach to finger training (i.e. doing lots of everything) will be, at best, marginally effective…and might even get you injured. Having strong fingers will make everyday tasks easier. This can include anything from holding a pen to write to chopping veggies for your meals.

This is my ALL-TIME favorite tool to use to get stronger for climbing because of how well it lends itself to the idea of progressive overload. With that, here is a post from Chelsea where she breaks down the case for stronger fingers and the basic principles of hangboarding. I’d say you can begin finger training not too long after an acute injury by removing weight instead of adding it, gradually working your way back up to body weight and then beyond. I have used this approach during recovery from little finger tweaks, but of course it should be noted that how quickly one comes back depends on the severity of the injury.

Due to the poor blood flow to connective tissues, their primary delivery system of nourishment is by way of synovial fluid diffusion during mechanical loading . This fluid flow brings amino acids into the loaded tendons/ligaments; of course, this delivery of nourishment mostly ceases with the end of exercise. For this reason, I only recommend adding weight for climbers with several years of experience as well as an already established foundation of hangboard training. Though the holds recommended here will cover a variety of climbing styles, you may want to train for your home crag or a trip to a specific destination.

Sufficient capillarization also helps to prevent sore forearms and pumping, as well as helps your muscles to build up more strength. So, keep doing longer, 20- to 40-minute sessions with low intensity . You can do this even as an advanced climber to make sure your muscular metabolism stays up.

Only let yourself rest for seconds in between sets to get the most effective muscle stimulation. Make sure to mix up your jumps to keep you fresh and motivated. Lastly, Find a crimp and a sloping edge that you can dead hang from for approximately 60 seconds. So it should somewhat comfortable to hold static, but hard to pull on. This will take some experimentation to get it right.

Hangboarding should only be done by climbers with healthy fingers. Newer climbers and those with past finger injuries should pay close attention to how each digit and joint feels during each session, and back off if anything feels suspect. If you’re practicing for a sport, you can always increase the weight or resistance behind a specific movement to build strength. This will build power and muscle, but you have to watch yourself to make sure you don’t pick up any bad habits because of the extra weight. Straining your FDP or FDS will result in significant weakness in isolated finger strength. Depending on which tendon is injured, you will have pain and weakness with different angles of resistance.

To do a pinch and hold exercise, grab a weight plate or a dedicated pinch block between your thumb and fingers with your arm down at your side. Hold the weight for 8-10 seconds, alternating hands. You can also perform this exercise with a heavy book or anything that is hefty and a couple of inches thick. Start by selecting a resistance that you can fully close or crush, and do sets of 5 or 10 reps on each hand, alternating hands. When you can do 5 sets of 10 reps on each hand, increase the resistance or buy the next more difficult gripper.
