This exercise hits the lats and chest, both of which need to be strong to do a pullup. Use a light dumbbell, like 10 or 15 pounds, until you perfect this movement. Do 5 or 10 minutes of brisk cardio to kick off your workout, then add in some dynamic stretches to get your body ready for strength training.

As a general rule of thumb, I like to count 3-4 seconds as I work through a negative. This will help you build strength and practice a portion of the pull up movement. You may like to complete 1-2 sets of negatives. Pull downs come in many shapes and forms… overhand grip, underhand grip, wide grip, regular grip. All of these variations are great and primarily target the lat muscles, which you can begin to feel under your armpit extending to the bulk of your mid-back. The lat pulldown is great as it mimics the muscles and range of motion of a pull-up.
Table of Contents
Equipment To Do Pull
Now, indeed, pull-ups are generally easier for men than for women. Guys tend to have greater upper-body strength, and women tend to have more body fat in their lower body. For obvious reasons, this is going to make lifting your lower body weight with your upper body strength easier for men.
Pull-up alternatives you can use in place of pull-ups to increase back strength, pull-up muscle endurance, and grip strength. Keep grinding away with other back-building movements, and then try to do a pull-up every so often. So you can clean & jerk a horse, good stuff that’s awesome, but can you pull your own bodyweight? The pull-up is a basic-yet-advanced movement that we will all need when the zombie apocalypse happens. If you haven’t made it to one yet, keep reading. As previously mentioned, remember to pinch your shoulder blades.
However, don’t go copying the gym bros you see using this piece of equipment. You want to start gripping the bar shoulder width apart with your arms fully extended. You must also avoid leaning backward when pulling the bar to the chest. The bent over row is the most popular rowing variation, which has a lifter assume a bent over position while keeping a barbell close to the body. The barbell row allows for the greatest amounts of loads to be rowed and transfers to heavy pulling movements.
Preparing yourself for more challenging exercises is a great way to walk into something new as opposed to rushing things and end up struggling with it. So consider doing additional training if you feel that doing pull-ups is too much at this stage. Whatever the case may be, the more prepared and strong you and your muscles are the better you will be able to do pull-ups.
Seated Band Rows
A 25-pound dumbbell or heavier, consider moving up to the next level. In the above guides, you’ll find me stating that losing weight comes down to eating fewer calories than you burn. Check out our guide on calculating your daily caloric requirements.
You should also ensure that your arms are fully extended after at the lowest point. Many sportsmen and women keep them slightly bent, in order to avoid the difficult, but more effective stimulus. If your grip is the width of your shoulders, primarily your entire back gets a workout, whereas a wider grip focuses more on the width of the upper back (the V-shape). Good tips but would extent it also with the right training plan. Proper form, constant training and also the right pull up plan are in my opinion the most helpful tips. Personally it helped me a lot to train with a system and doing them 2 times/week.
Move from assisted to unassisted, with the shoulders retracted downwards. That said, if all you have is a band for this exercise then that’s ok! Look to use thinner and thinner bands, while lifting the feet and knees up a bit to further reduce assistance (as the band won’t be stretched as far). If you’re using an exercise band, try to get a few bands of varying tension so you can decrease the resistance as you get stronger. As soon as you can complete all 3 sets of 8 reps, set the bar heigh lower to make the exercise more difficult. We give sample sets and reps and when to move up, but if you feel like you can progress sooner or want to try doing full pull-ups sooner than we recommend, that’s OKAY.
Lie faceup on the floor, with legs straight and arms stretched overhead. Keeping your low back flat to the ground, activate abs and lift your arms, head, and legs off the floor. This modified pull-up skips the pulling and requires you just to master the descent. Jump up to start with your chin above the bar.
If you don’t want to do pull-ups, try doing lat pull-downs, pull-ins, inverted rows, or dumbbell rows instead. Some public parks even have dedicated pull up bars set up. Ask around in your area to see if anyone knows where you can find some. Use bars at a playground in a public park to do pull ups. Use the bar of a swingset, or any other type of bar or wooden beam that is part of the playground, to do pull ups if there are no monkey bars.
No guesswork needed here, just jump into the app and follow the missions and workouts for the day. Grab the bar with a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width, with your hands facing away from you. A pull-up is when you grab the bar with your palms facing away from you. Again, look to complete this in as few sets as possible, while making the exercise as challenging as possible.
If you find yourself plummeting downward quickly, you’re not ready to do pull ups. Your shoulders should not raise up at all while doing this move. If you find your shoulders raising upward, you need to build more strength before moving on to actual pull ups.
Lean back against a wall so only your glutes, upper back, and head are touching. Raise both arms and place them flat against the wall, elbows bent 90 degrees and in line with your shoulders. Maintain contact with the wall with your wrists and forearms as you extend your arms overhead as high as you can, then lower back to the start. Do bent-over dumbbell rows to work out your back and biceps another way.
This type is called a Chin-up and this move is great for building your arm muscles. These are a great place to start if you try a pull-up and find it impossible to do – do a chin up instead. The pull-up is considered a compound upper body exercise. You use your arms and back to pull your body up and your abs help to prevent the arching of your lower back. Perform 8 pull-ups with a slow 15-second lowering phase. Once you’re able to complete all reps and sets, move to Phase 4, which requires a partner.