Those free solos astonished the climbing world and set new benchmarks in much the same way that Roger Bannister redefined distance running when he broke the four-minute mile in 1954. For more than a year, Honnold has been training for the climb at locations in the United States, China, Europe, and Morocco. A small circle of friends and fellow climbers who knew about the project had been sworn to secrecy. Rock climber Alex Honnold training on Freerider for the first ever rope-free climb of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. The historic event was documented for an upcoming National Geographic feature film and magazine story.

Filmed in 1968, released 12 years later, and finally restored and re-released in 2003, El Capitan is considered to be one of the finest climbing films ever made. Following an early, three-day ascent of The Nose, the trailer here offers breathtaking imagery and illustrates how while the gear has changed, climbers’ obsessions with conquering El Cap dates back decades. An intense true-story survival drama about Aron Ralston, a canyoneering adventurist who gets his arm trapped by a boulder in a slot canyon near Moab, Utah. This movie was nominated for 6 Oscars and would easily be in our favorites list if it was a more rock-climbing focused movie.
This is widely recognized as one of the greatest athletic achievements of all time. He was the first person to climb El Capitan, the world’s most famous rock face, free solo. Alex Honnold made the ascent without using any ropes or any other protective equipment. This may be considered as the biggest accomplishment of pure rock climbing in the sport’s history. Free solo climbing is extremely dangerous in the sense that a single mistake can result in almost certain fatality.
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With multiple parties on the same route at one time, the only reasonable thing you can do is forgo modesty and pack it out. Usually, free climbing attempts on El Capitan tend to follow old climbing routes. Lynn Hill made a huge splash in the climbing world when in 1993 she became the first person, male or female, to “free The Nose”.
He recognises that people might think that, and that it is a seam in the film, and he is not surprised or in any way offended. He wouldn’t mind if he did have a spectrum disorder, but he doesn’t think he does and picks holes in some of the evidence. He was shy, is shy, doesn’t like talking to strangers much now , but he also wanted to climb on his own – there is a strong tradition of it in Yosemite. You can’t keep him away from climbing for long, though, even in the city, and this is where he comes when he is in London. It’s not unlike the climbing wall where he started off in Sacramento, he says. There is a buzz about the place among the men and women who work here – imagine Lionel Messi dropping in to your amateur football club.
How Free Solo Climber Alex Honnold Conquered El Capitan
As arguably the most famous climber in the world, he’s since been invited to be a panellist at the Nobel Prize awards and made television appearances with Bear Grylls. During the tours publicising the film, he followed a strict training regime so he could still climb hard. The first step to avoiding this problem, in general, is to create a running list of movies you want to watch.
Polished smooth by glaciers over the millennia, the granite here offers no holds, forcing a climber to basically walk up it with his feet only. Honnold used a delicate technique called “smearing,” which involves pressing his rubber shoes against the rock to create just enough grip to support his weight on the incline. He had to keep his weight perfectly balanced and maintain enough forward momentum to avoid sliding off. Watch Alex Honnold’s journey toward his rope-free climb of the world’s most famous rock wall—Yosemite National Park’s El Capitan—in Free Solo, a stunning, intimate, unfliching film by E.
The backstory behind the film is nearly more interesting than the movie itself; the movie resulted in one death of a cameraman and left another man in a wheelchair. But if you enjoy Clint Eastwood, spy thrillers, and mountaineering, this movie is a must watch. While a fall during free climbing is usually survivable, it’s not without risk.
For these reasons, MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for older children and other sensitive viewers. In the midst of his training, Alex decides to go climbing with his girlfriend Sanni. However, Sanni is not at all as experienced as Alex is, and neglects to check the end of the rope, causing Alex to fall, injuring his back. Not long after this, they’re climbing again, and he falls yet again, hurting his ankle. He begins to have second thoughts about his girlfriend, after not having an accident in 7 years, and then falling twice in the few months with her. He’s worried about his focus and knows that he has to be in the right mindset to do this climb.
American climber Emily Harrington became the fourth woman to free climb the fabled rock face of Yosemite National Park’s El Capitan in less than 24 hours. Many news outlets falsely reported that Harrington was the first woman to ever free climb El Capitan in less than 24 hours. After ascending a route called the Nose in 1994, American Lynn Hill became the first woman to accomplish the feat. Thus, following her own historic climb on Nov. 4, Harrington set the record straight, giving proper credit to Hill for her groundbreaking achievement more than a quarter century earlier. Plus, unlike a backpacker who can often refill his water from a nearby river, El Capitan climbers bring all the water they need with them from the ground up. If you count on a gallon of water per person per day, that weighs more than 48 pounds of water for two people spending only 3 days on the route.
The nail-biting free soloist climb up the 3,000 foot El Capitan is documented with excellent quality, allowing us to feel as if we are in Alex’s shoes as he completes the first free solo climb of this famous granite behemoth. But this movie does more than show off Alex’s ascent, it also dives into what makes him tick, and proves to be an insightful look into the psychology of an expert thrill-seeking climber. We would highly recommend this movie to anyone, but it is a must-see for any climbing fanatics out there. Due to the fact that free solo climbing does not involve the use of protective gear, climbers are always at risk of plummeting to the ground since they do not have ropes to catch them in the event that they fall. One of the riskiest activities you can do is free solo climbing.
In the months since I first watched Free Solo, I haven’t settled on a satisfying answer. Honnold sometimes strikes me as a tragic figure, wrapped so tight that he can’t acknowledge how much pain he causes those who care about him. This is a documentary about the power of the human spirit to overcome and accomplish the impossible. The power of friendship and love in the face of adversity is beautifully crafted in this true story.
Harrington free climbed the El Capitan cliff in 21 hours, 13 minutes, and 51 seconds. According to the Yosemite Decimal System, rock climbs are rated numerically from 5.0 to 5.15, with 5.0 being the easiest. With a rating of 5.13, the Golden Gate route is considered more difficult than Free Rider, which is rated at 5.12d. Harrington, 34, scaled El Capitan’s Golden Gate route in a little over 21 hours and 13 minutes. She is now one of about 25 people who have free climbed the legendary rock face — which was featured in the Oscar-winning 2018 documentary Free Solo —by any route, in less than a day. But I was 22 and my photography career was just starting to be a thing.
He got up a little way on the rock, and ended up not going through with it because the camera crew and onlookers made him nervous. Five people had died making the attempt to free solo El Capitan. The film can be seen as something incredible, and inspiring of a man accomplishing his lifelong dream, or it can be seen as someone who went against better judgment and got away with it. He studied El Capitan in extreme detail, examining every piece of rock.
With a goofy grin and a bad haircut, he has been fighting a single-handed battle against gravity, and winning. When, on 3 June 2017, he free-soloed the freerider route on El Capitan, the New York Times described it as “one of the greatest athletic feats of any kind, ever”. Harrington is renowned in the climbing community, having climbed high-altitude peaks in Nepal, China, Myanmar, Crimea, and Morocco. She is also sponsored by The North Face, among other companies. “Not much to say except I took a bad fall and pin balled a bit then somehow hit the rope w my neck,” she wrote. Honnold planned to climb Yosemite’s El Capitan without a rope.