Here’s everything you need to know about What Is Let Off On A Bow. Find all the information it in this article.
Think for example about the gears on your bike or in your car. Therefore, you must hold the bow at the point where the draw weight is the highest. This makes it more difficult to aim and strains your muscles more.

When the archer gets close to the back wall, the cams are shaped in such a way that the appropriate amount of string is allowed to pass through. During this time, the majority of the cams’ rotation occurs. Low let off tends to make you shoot the bow correctly as the higher letoff can tend to make you sloppy in the sequence of the shot. Lower let-off / higher holding weight, helps keep our back muscles engaged during the entire shot execution. Lesie McKinnely fell into a spot teaching archery to middle schoolers, and it turned into a passion that he upkeeps to this very day.
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What Does Ibf Mean In Archery?
This enables more weight distribution over the limbs, rather than concentrating it on the archer. In the beginning, the archer does not feel much weight, but with time, the full draw weight is obtained. Towards the end of the draw, the weight curve begins to shift, and the weight begins to drop until let off is reached.
Shooting the distances between your pins can be tough, however, and you’ll need to learn to compensate for those in between distances. Fixed pin sights are the most common type of bow sight, probably because they are versatile, easy to use, and fairly affordable. A bow sight is an adjustable aperture with an aiming pin that attaches to the riser. You use the pins to aim, lining them up with your peep sight and the target. Knowledge is power, so let’s dive in and gain a better understanding of the various parts and components of the modern compound bow. For whitetail deer hunting anything above 40 lbs is fine.
Bowtech Sr350
On the typical compound bow, poundage can be adjusted to atleast some degree. If it’s set too long, you won’t be able to comfortably get to the let off and hold it. Some offer a smooth draw cycle; others are pretty aggressive. Overall, single cam systems have a reputation for being reliable, easy to maintain, accurate, and having a solid back wall. The spot in the draw when it gets easier to draw is called the breaking point.
Just like regular hunting regulations, every state has their own rules for archery season. You might be wondering what could possibly make a bow illegal. The most common regulation concerns draw weight minimum. That is to be expected since shooting arrows at slow speeds is more likely to wound an animal. While some states have no restrictions, others get pretty detailed with everything from bow let off restrictions to broadhead requirements. Check out the archery regulations for each state and make sure your legal this season.
What Does Compound Bow Let Off Mean
BlackOut has produced several fast, adjustable, and user-friendly bows as of late, with perhaps none achieving the same degree of fanfare as the company’s Epic model. I created this website to help archers improve their skills. Leave me a comment and feel free to ask any questions you have. With a Concept bow you will experience archery like you never have before. This can enable you to shoot with greater precision while also taking your time before aiming for your target.
Modern compound bows feature one of two basic limb styles – solid or split. The minimum draw weight that is legal for hunting may differ for each state, it is important to check the state regulations in which you plan on hunting. In most states, the minimum required draw weight is 40lbs. A general rule of thumb is that a shooter should be able to shoot a bow about 30 times in a row without being fatigued. If the shooter cannot draw the bow 30 times the draw weight should be decreased. This allows for kids to increase their draw length as they grow and get stronger, without having to replace the bow or limbs.
Archery Regulations For Each State
Recurve bows do not have variable draw weight like the compound bow. This allows archers to start with a lighter draw weight and move up as they become more used to shooting. When you are shopping for your shiny new bow, you may sometimes come across the let off of the bow in its features.
The bow also has a 15-pound draw-weight adjustment range compared to the typical 10-pound range. But as useful as those features are, the Refine EKO isn’t quite on par with other top flagships in our test. While we loved the V3X’s draw cycle, we didn’t like the grip. The V3X grip is plastic and rubber with a rounded shape that makes it comfortable, but easy to torque and hard to consistently position your hand.
Draw Length, Let
A cable guard prevents the cables from touching each other while shooting. It also prevents the fletchings of the arrows from hitting the cables while being shot. In the last few inches of the draw, we want as little cord pulled into the winch as possible.
Arrow Rests
It includes a damper that will muffle noise and vibration, and stabilize the string to ensure a smooth and more accurate shot. If you like speed bows, the Xpedition Smoke should be on your shortlist to try out, especially if you’d prefer to support a smaller manufacturer. It’s exciting to see bow manufacturers like Prime willing to make drastic design changes to improve their bows.
Where To Shoot
You don’t have to change gears or attach another pully. This is possible because compound bows have cams and mods that don’t have a uniform round shape. Therefore, the distance from the center axis changes when you draw the bow. Any release aid may be used providing it is hand operated, the shooter supports the draw weight of the bow, and the release is not attached to any part of the bow other than the bowstring.
The Best Shooting Experience: Mathews V3x
A bow press is needed to adjust the draw length of certain models. As modern compound bows are under a lot of pressure all the time you need to get the tension out of them before being able to adjust their draw lengths. Some models are widely adjustable and you don’t need a bow press for doing so. Sometimes you see ‘’compound bows’’ that have only two pullies. Because the pullies are perfectly round, this isn’t a real compound bow, because the mechanical advantage doesn’t change.
Draw Weight
What is termed a “soft cam” will accelerate the arrow more gently than a “harder” cam. Novice archers will typically shoot a soft cam whereas a more advanced archer may choose to use a harder cam to gain speed. Bows can be had with a variety of cams, in a full spectrum from soft to hard. You don’t need to unstring them when you don’t shoot them. Hi David, Great to hear that this article helped you to understand how a compound bow works.
Solid Limb Vs Split Limb
Also, switching from an 80 to a 65% let-off nets you around 2% extra. In the situation that you are uncomfortable with the use of a heavier arrow, consider employing an internal carbon shaft component or a Super Lite Aluminium arrow. Although this sort of arrow is lighter, it does not lose piercing energy as the draw length is lengthened. Bow let off is something important to consider, especially if you’re interested in hunting game.
What Is A String Stop On A Compound Bow
With several models to choose from, the selection process may be confusing. This comprehensive guide will help you find the perfect model for you, by presenting analysis of the top options available on the market. Having a let-off point on your compound bow means you can shoot longer, and with greater accuracy than with a traditional bow. After a small arrow rest adjustment, we shot a bullet hole on the second. The Inline series of bows is a departure from Prime’s signature parallel cams. With the Inline, Prime simplified and improved their design while retaining the benefits of a parallel cam.