As well as walking in one go, it’s straightforward to walk the Gritstone Trail in day hikes if you live in Greater Manchester, Stoke, Macclesfield, or in places nearby. The town of Macclesfield can be reached by bus from both Rushton Spencer and from near Tegg’s Nose. From there you can catch trains to different locations.

Whereas gritstone is all about friction and maximum contact between skin and stone, slate is smooth and requires razor-sharp precision. Gabbro has impeccable grip, but where it is exposed on the crest of the youngest mountains in Britain, it can be loose and treacherous. Handling these diverse rocky places became an exercise in body/mind focus which, like yoga or meditation, dissolves away the self. Igneous rock is made when hot lava cools and hardens, and sedimentary rock is made when sand or other pieces get stuck together. The third type of rock, metamorphic, is made when another rock gets buried and changed.
The particles that form a sedimentary rock by accumulating are called sediment. Sedimentation may also occur as minerals precipitate from water solution or shells of aquatic creatures settle out of suspension. The next leap on my journey was north again, into granite country. Working for the Cairngorms National Park Authority, I became familiar with another distinctive landscape. In this huge tract of land, with its pine forests and subarctic mountain plateau, I roamed widely, initially finding my feet through walking. Guiding my explorations into this strange new landscape was the local writer Nan Shepherd.
Table of Contents
Exploring The Dales One Footstep At A Time
You show me a sandstone that is as hard, abrasive and as well ‘glued together’ as a typical gritstone and I will be mildly surprised – no more. I would challenge the assumption that “Gritstone is by nature ‘harder’ than Sandstone” and that it is a meaningful distinction. As we know both types of rock are very variable, and one is not characteristically harder than the other. Wind blown sandstones tend to have very even sized grains which may be very rounded. Within the actual boundary of the Yorkshire Dales National Park the finest gritstone crags are to be found on the heather moors either side of the River Wharfe between Burnsall and Bolton Bridge. To the east of the river is the gritstone clad summit of Simon’s Seat while to the west, on Barden Moor and Embsay Moor, are numerous outcrops including Crookrise Crag, Rylstone Edge and the fabulous Deer Gallows.
‘Granitic’ pegmatites, made of large crystals of quartz, feldspar and mica, are the most common as far as I’m aware, but other types exist. A lot of the great limestone crags in Europe have some sand/silt material in them, this is easily spotted when you see the more orange colours. The grey/white limestone is actually worse to climb on in my opinion, less steep and sharper. Gritstone as we know it is just ‘another form of sandstone’.
Okay, yes it has some special ‘qualities’ which may make some people prefer it to your average sandstone, but realistically it is just the ginger variety compared to your blonds and brunettes. It’s different and somewhat mystified, but in no way superior. The tough resiliant shell is due to the increased amount of pressure it has sustained, and because of this deep down it is capable of withstanding slightly more harsher environments. But just like we pick on gingers, we pick on and exploit grit because of these differences for our own personal gratification.
Related Links For Gritstone Trail
Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Staying in laybys It is neither legal, nor illegal unless there is a local byelaw that prohibits it. By the time anyone sees you and contacts the council, who then have to contact the Police who then come and ask you to move you will be long gone anyway so why worry. The even better news is that Scotland’s Right to Roam Act means wild camping is totally legal throughout the whole of Scotland, and free. The team at Visit Scotland who had been invaluable in helping us uncover all of OH’s hidden gems, suggested the Isle of Berneray between Harris and North Uist. Wild camping is not permitted anywhere in the Lake District without prior permission from the landowner.
It’s Torridonian Sandstone at Reiff and in the NW in general, a different and much older unit than the Old Red. Alternatly the sand can be in a river/marine environment. Up is comes again – the perennial subject about which much hot air and incorrect information is spouted. The links below provide further information on such well known spots as Brimham Rocks and Caley Crags, together with some unsung gems such as Sypeland Crags and, one of my personal favourites, the Wig Stones.
Igneous Rock
The slow cooling of iron-rich magma deep beneath the Earth’s surface produces gabbro rocks. Now I think about it I’m not sure if I mean Skiddaw Slate or not – but certainly one of the lake district slates is really compressed ash but still receives that name. Like many terms in geology, ‘quartzite’ can mean a number of things.
Unfortunately it is very common to characterise and describe an individual rock type for climbing in four sentences and with a single picture. This simply is not enough and is one of the main reasons for false impressions, hear-say and surprises once at the cliff. Using the common genetic structuring theCrag lists only rock types which are somehow in broader use by climbers due to occurrence, accessibility and characteristics or might be interesting due to other special reasons. A helpful criterium is the presence of sport climbing routes on a specific rock type.
Available both as a limestone or a granite, Type 1 SHW Clause 803 is widely used as a sub-base in the construction of roads, car parks and pathways. The mixture of stone and fines compacts to ensure minimal voids and provides a strong and durable sub-base. Soils and Stone supply high-quality sub-base limestone and granite aggregate including Type 1 SHW Clause 803 and Type 3 Open Graded SHW Clause 805. Sub-base material is produced by crushing either limestone or granite rock.
It is succeeded by the sandstone known variously as the Brennand Grit, Warley Wise Grit and Grassington Grit. These are all of Pendleian age – the lowermost sub-stage of the Namurian. The term has also been adopted at Slieve Anierin in northwest Ireland, describing the series of shales, grits, and coal seams, occurring from the base of the Namurian upwards.
I fell off and dangled on the rope, shouting for help from my partner who would do his best to advise me by bellowing directions down from the top of the crag. Like wild swimming, rock climbing immerses you within the landscape. Eyes pay close attention, scanning the details of the rock, trying to read the passage up the cliff.
Gritstone is a sandstone composed of coarse grains of sand. The Eriboll Quartzite is part of the Cambro-Ordovician sedimentary sequence exposed in NW Scotland. One distinction is that gritstone has a particular average grain size. Sandstones are rocks made initially from sand , this is often the end product of granite erosion. Brimham Rocks is situated in the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and in many ways Nidderdale is the gritstone dale.