He also has several other taping videos for volleyball-related injuries, so I would recommend you check out his athletic taping playlist. The honest answer is yes, you can hit a heavy bag with MMA gloves, hand wraps, or even without any type of hand protection at all. It’s actually considered beneficial in order to strengthen not only your knuckles but also your wrist and forearm muscles. You should wrap your hands tight enough to feel snug, but not so tight that you cut off circulation. Your wraps shouldn’t be slipping on your hands, and you should still be able to move your fingers enough to make a fist. What do professional boxers use to wrap their hands?

It also offers a range of unique benefits. “Buddy taping” fingers together for support and protection is common for sprain injuries, but the thumb cannot be taped to the index finger. Doing so would put the thumb in an unnatural position and risk further injury. It would also prevent the index finger from being functional.
Table of Contents
How Do You Tell If Your Thumb Is Broken Or Just Jammed?
Avoid HARM in the first 72 hours of your recovery. These four elements have been found to impair your ability to heal quickly. In some cases, they can make the sprain worse. Glad you liked the info and video technique on how to strap a thumb.
Place a strip of tape in a comfortable ring around the base of your wrist, just below the bony prominences. This strip is considered an anchor, which gives support and provides fixation points for the various taping methods you can use to tape or strap your thumb. Once you’ve decided that your thumb injury is appropriate to tape, grab a safety razor and shave the entire area around the thumb and back of your hand . The purpose of shaving the skin is to make the tape adhere better and to prevent irritation and pain when you need to take the tape off. In general, it’s recommended that you shave the skin about 12 hours prior to taping, which allows it to heal from any irritation caused by the shaving.
Should I Go To The Hospital For A Sprained Thumb?
Be sure to keep your wrist in a flexed position as you secure the anchor tape. Place a piece of tape starting at the inside of the wrist on the anchor wrap up between the thumb and index finger back down to the back of the wrist. Looking to try wrapping your sprained wrist with athletic tape?
Finish with a last piece of tape wrapped over the anchor to secure all the tape. Cut and place a piece of tape around your wrist to act as an anchor strip. You may also wish to add an anchor near the end of your thumb — near the most distal joint. However, this can sometimes cause the entire scaffolding come loose and get dirty. The single anchor around the wrist often works best with the figure eight loops around the thumb. Use an underlying wrap for sensitive skin.
Athletic tape and kinesiology tape are similar, although it’s important to understand their differences to make the best use of them. When typing on a keyboard try to keep your wrists straight, and avoid bending your hands upwards from your wrist to type. While taking a break consider rotating your wrists and stretching your palms and finger to help keep the area flexible and loose.
The loop of tape should look like an ‘awareness ribbon’ wrapped around your thumb. When the thumb is moved beyond its normal range of motion, the ligaments get torn to some degree — severe sprains can involve completely severed ligaments, for example. Taping a sprained thumb restrains movement, protects it from further injury and allows it to heal in a timely fashion. Thumb taping can also be used by athletes to help prevent injury. Wrapping your wrist after a sprain is an effective and safe way to treat mild wrist sprains. Before you begin treatment talk to your doctor to make sure you don’t have a bone fracture or ligament tears.
To wrap a wrist for carpal tunnel, wrap a rigid adhesive sports tape all the way around your wrist, like a bracelet. Next, use a second piece of tape to go around the palm and back of your hand, just above your thumb. Then, place 2 pieces of tape across your hand and wrist to make an “X” on the back of your hand. Additionally, extend the first piece of tape from your thumb to the outer part of your wrist, and the second piece from your pinky to the inside of your wrist. Make sure to remove the tape within 48 hours, or when it starts to cut off your circulation or cause you pain. Don’t wait too long after your injury to learn how to tape a sprained thumb.
Wrapping and taping can be especially effective when used to stabilize the wrist during exercise. You may want to ask a physical or occupational therapist to tape your wrist the first time so you can watch how it’s done, and what the final result should look like. While corticosteroids come in oral versions, they are not as effective for carpal tunnel syndrome as the injected versions. Alternatively, work to keep your hands warm as often as possible. Working in a cold room can often cause more pain and stiffness to develop.
This taping technique aims to limit the movement of the affected finger and to support it while the knuckle heals. Wrap across the back of the hand and fingers. Start with the end of the bandage at the inside of your wrist, at the hollow where you would take a pulse. From that point, wrap the bandage around the heel of your thumb and across the back of your hand and diagonally across toward the tip of your pinky finger. Make sure you are not cutting off your circulation with the anchor. Your hand and/or fingers will tingle, feel cooler to the touch and start to turn blue if the wrap is too tight.
Save your money whilst keeping your hands in great condition, as these wraps are completely reusable. They can used again and again, simply wash them after training with the rest of your kit. A dislocation is when the bones in a joint slip out of their normal position.
Remember to ice, take any necessary anti-inflammatories, and tape before training or competitions to help the recovery process. If you are treating a hand wound or burn, rinse the affected area and apply a sterile gauze dressing before wrapping your hand in a bandage. Open the roller bandage, and start with the end of the roll at the inside of your wrist.
If you wrap your hands properly, you’re less likely to get an injury compared to using gel gloves or quick wraps. For people with arthritis, “kinesiology tape is used typically for painful, swollen, arthritic joints to provide pain control,” Dr. Quirolgico says. The tape can stay on for several days at a time when you‘re having pain, inflammation, a flare, or some other situation that you need to address. How do you tell if your finger is broken?
In contrast, a broken or severely dislocated thumb is typically very painful, looks crooked, moves unnaturally, and involves considerable inflammation and internal bleeding . Instead, clean the wound, put pressure on it to stop or slow the bleeding and wrap it in a bandage before going to the hospital for an assessment. Before you hit the heavy bag or spar, you should always wrap your hands with good quality boxing hand wraps, which helps to support your fingers, thumb, knuckles and wrist. Once your hands are wrapped, it will become like a single rock, instead of separate and loose joints. Tear several 6-8” strips of tape in half lengthwise, depending on the size of the hand.